Thursday 1 September 2011

Todays Reading - Courage

Today’s card is from the Archangel Oracle by Doreen Virtue. The illustration is by Corey Wolf.

Courage – Archangel Ariel.

Ariel’s name means Lioness of God and she is a feminine presence. She is associated with animals, nature, elementals, magic and manifestation. This card always reminds me of the Strength card in the Tarot.

Ariel brings us courage and bravery. When she is with you, you may notice images of lions, or be drawn to information regarding lions. You may even dream of them. Think about the lion now. Think about their easy flowing, graceful movement, their majesty, their quiet knowledge that they are strong, their confidence, their belief that nothing can harm them. These cats are beautiful in their self belief. We can learn so much from them. People who are confident in their own abilities, who have the courage of their convictions, who are willing to speak their truth in a calm but assertive manner are powerfully attractive. We are instantly drawn to such people. The energy they give off is magnetizing and we all wish we could be like them. They seem to attract good fortune, they are full of health and energy and they love the path they follow in life. Why can’t we all be like them?

There is no reason at all why we can’t all be like that. Even if we are of a slightly more introverted nature we can still have that quiet calm, inner strength that draws good people and energy to us. Write down today what you are scared to speak out about, what you believe in that you dare not voice to others. Then ask Ariel to help you have the strength and the courage to find your voice. Sit quietly and visualise the colour red flowing up through your feet and filling the lower half of your body with a warm fiery glow. Next visualise sky blue entering your body through the base of your throat. Let it fill your chest, throat and arms with cool, calm truth. Sit for a while with these colours. Now imagine yourself in a bubble of white protective light. See the light pouring in to you through the top of your head. Emanate that light. Know that whenever you feel scared and in need of protection you can visualise this light, place yourself in this bubble and you will feel better. 

After doing this exercise look again at the things you wrote on your paper. Do you feel differently about them? Are they things that still need expressing? If so is it really that hard to speak your own inner truths? After all, they are what make you who you are. We are all unique, yet we are still deeply connected. If you can find the courage to speak your truths you may be surprised to find that people actually want to listen, that they show you respect for doing so and that your confidence grows tenfold!

So let Ariel help you today. Let her warmth fill you with strength, courage and majesty. Be proud of who you are and the world will stand up and take notice. You may also find you love yourself more in the process, and that is a goal worth achieving.

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